I had a great experience at Heal n Cure. For me, over the years medicine has been a rushed visit with a doctor to address an issue and provide a band-aide type approach, never really looking closer at the source of the issue. Heal n Cure is not this traditional approach. During the intake, there was no rush and the Dr. asked a lot of questions and learned a lot about me and my symptoms over the years. Then there were in-depth tests taken as a benchmark and to take a closer look at my overall health. Another key difference in the program was the education. Not just taking the Dr’s suggestions or direction, but learning how to eat and exercise better and what that actually means. My experience wasn’t covered by insurance, but it was a great investment in my health. I’m excited about my improved health and what I’ve learned to keep living a healthy life. If you’re really looking for a change, I would recommend taking a look at what the program offers to see if it may be a fit for you.