Glutes and Hamstrings Strength Training
Strengthen and lift while focusing on increased stability by incorporating these exercises twice a week.
Dumbbell Squats
** use bench to start for proper form**
3 sets of 10
Stand with arms at sides grasping dumbbells, and feet slightly wider that shoulder-width apart. Squat down by bending knees forward while allowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just past parallel to floor, keeping knees behind toes. Squat up by extending knees and hips until legs are straight. Return and repeat.
Plie Dumbbell Squat
3 sets of 10
Stand with arms extended straight down while grasping a dumbbell, and feet wider that shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly out. Squat down by bending knees forward while allowing hips to bend back behind, keeping back straight and knees pointed same direction as feet. Descend until thighs are just past parallel to floor, keeping knees behind toes. Return and repeat.
Donkey Kicks
3 sets of 10
Kneel on ground by placing hands and knees on the floor, with weight distributed between both hands and one knee. With the non-weight-bearing leg, slowly extend your knee and hip until your thigh is parallel to the floor (your knee can be bent). Return and repeat.
Straight Leg Deadlifts
3 sets of 10
With feet flat approximately shoulder width apart, squat down and grasp dumbbells with shoulder width or slightly wider overhand grip. Lift dumbbells by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return and repeat.
Machine Leg Curl
3 sets of 10
Place seat away from platform. Sit on seat with lower back against back of seat. Place toes and balls of feet on lower portion of platform(s) with heels and arches extending off. Grasp handles to sides and straighten knees. Push lever platform(s) by extending ankles as far as possible. Return by bending ankles until calves are stretched. Repeat.
Disclaimer: Please use your own preferred trainer, equipment or facility for your exercise program. As with any exercise program, please take all safety precautions while engaging in exercise. If at any point during your workout you begin to feel faint, dizzy, or have physical discomfort, you should immediately stop and consult the nearest healthcare professional.
Acceptance of Terms: When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. By engaging in such a program you agree that you do so at your risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and agree to release Heal n Cure from any claims. Please do not start the exercise program if you do not agree to these terms.